Tag Archives: Buxf Parrot
Uncle Piehole – S/T
This is what happens when OG punk rockers channel the spirit of an aging Yellow Dog Democrat with a drinking problem so monolithic the local sheriff was forced to confiscate even his riding lawnmower. Consisting of members of a variety … Continue reading
The Last Dicks Show, a Sad and Happy Farewell
This show was rumored long before it happened, then it became a reality. Everyone bought their tickets (those who had not were taken care of at the show) and were ready to watch this amazing band play their last performance. … Continue reading
An Interview with Gary Floyd from the Dicks…Wendy WWAD
AN INTERVIEW WITH GARY FLOYD FROM THE DICKS WW: The original Dicks lineup consisted of you, Buxf Parrott, Pat Deason and Glen Taylor. How did you guys originally meet / hook up with each other and decide to form a … Continue reading
The Dicks! A Fine Time on the Town for Gary Floyd…by JEH
A Fine Time on the Town for Gary Floyd So this year the Austin Corn Lovers Fiesta was a very special night for all…and dedicated to Gary Floyd. Old timers and youngsters alike came out to show support and hear … Continue reading