what youll find inside
Save Your Spandex
King Coffey Factorffeature
Room 710
Red Eyed Fly
Put A Sock in It
Lance's Comix
Road to Rock Stardom
Wendy's WWAD
Grub - Guide
Alamo Drafthouse Cinema
Usual Crew
Chump Change
Off the Street

king coffey

jeff pinkus of HONKY  loves the sweet meat of the V

Rank and Revue - VOL. 1, Issue 22,  featuring KING COFFEE

Once Again Little Pilgrims,
We fufill your pathetic cries for MORE! MORE! MORE!
You are now commanded:Take this throbbing pile of smoldering rock, carefully regurgitated for maximum enjoyment - put it lovingly between your lame-ass lips, and suck out the searing goodness - your love for Austin Fucked Music will metastasize within your soul, and soon you will wake with the devil’s horns at the end of your arm and (hopefully) pass out with the “no thanks” bird replacing it. Just remember to daily re-affirm your commitment to rock out, and to provide rock to those who suck, just like we do here at Rank and Revue.

Keep Rockin’ & Readin - The Metal Druids Of the Downtown Henge. Rock on Child of Rock.

texas rollergirls with silent predator

for business: info@rankandrevue.com
for fun: Rank & Revue MESSAGE BOARD

hey einstein....you better  look at every single page of this issue

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designed by
groovee fortune