Rank and Revue - VOL. 1, Issue 15  featuring GUERRILLART

Dear Readers ,

Thanks for tuning in again. We have returned with a very heavy issue for you. More reviews, more photos. The quality keeps improving every issue. Thanks to
Steve Landry for figuring out what we want and delivering it more or less on time. But more importantly Thanks to the Bands, Clubs, Fans, and Advertisers who
make this magazine possible. We always want to hear from the readers so send us your ideas or comments soon. The website will be functional by the next issue.
Thanks to Beth Sams & Grant from L-eet web services for making it happen.

Keep Rockin’ and Readin’
K.B. Parthemore/Publisher

for business: info@rankandrevue.com

for fun: Rank & Revue MESSAGE BOARD

room 710
Artist Spotlight: Robzar
off the streets and in the parking lot
chump change
photos from aroudn the way
wendy's wwad, what would ace do?
comix gallery
off-sides with chad holt

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